Minting and Trading of NFT Avatars/Accounts

On the Socrates platform, avatars and accounts are not just user identification details; they can be minted as NFTs, transforming them into valuable digital assets that can be traded and monetised on the NFT marketplace. Personalisation and immutability: All avatars and accounts minted as NFTs are unique and permanently recorded on the blockchain, ensuring users have irrevocable ownership.

Priority in recommendations and search: Minted NFT avatars and accounts receive higher visibility through prioritised recommendations and search results, enhancing user exposure and interaction opportunities. Integration of social and trading: NFT accounts represent user identity but also serve as tradable assets, allowing for transfer and sale. Avatars, likewise, possess both collectible and market value.

Enhanced identity influence: NFT-based identities provide users with greater social influence and digital rights, creating more opportunities for interaction and reward.

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