Dialectical Information

On traditional social media, users are limited to passively receiving information and lack a decision-making influence. Social media's extreme and biased information dissemination has led to an increasingly fragmented human society and more radicalized thinking. This polarization is the root cause of various issues in our societies today. A dialectical approach to information is the correct way to understand it, and a dialectical view of the world is the correct way to perceive it.

With the advent of the AI era, humanity will enter a world where truths and falsities are almost indistinguishable. In such a world, critical thinking serves as the foundational thought for human existence. In the era of AI, traditional education will lose its relevance, and human education will need to shift from knowledge accumulation to wisdom learning, where critical thinking paves the way to wisdom.

Socrates supports users in creating debates in any form of information—text, video, and audio live streaming. Through dialectical engagement with information, users are no longer passive recipients; they have the right to determine where information flows.

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